Always First Mind

WinTEC will pay back the customers’ endless love with improved products.


WINTEC has developed the products by modifying and
improving the Flow Meters by checking the issues in the field from the customers' perspective.

It’s a professional Flow Meter maker covering from the production to the A/S manufacturing of Flow Meters with
the spirit of ‘Always First Mind’ in the heart WTM 1000 Series (Electromagnetic Flow Meter) and
WTP 2000 Series (Parshall Flume Flow Meter) are under production now.

Company WinTEC Co.,Ltd.
CEO Sungduk Park
Capital KW 250 M
Major Product Flowmeter, Environmental Instruments, Remote Monitoring Device
Registration No. 124-86-06376
Address 734 Pureundeulpan-ro, Paltan-myeon, Hwasung-si. Gyuggi-do, KOREA Zip Code : 18525
Tel +82-31-278-4934
Fax +82-31-278-4968